(As of the end of the fiscal year, in billions of 1995 dollars)
                                 1960   1965   1970   1975   1980   1985   1990   1995
Financial assets:
 Gold and Foreign Exchange.....    98     69     58    130    322    154    194    183
 Other Monetary Assets.........    37     53     32     15     38     24     31     34
 Mortgages and Other Loans.....   122    156    202    202    278    341    276    193
  Less Expected Loan Losses....    -1     -2     -4     -9    -16    -16    -18    -22
 Other Financial Assets........    58     77     64     64     84    108    166    188
  Subtotal.....................   314    353    351    403    706    611    648    576
Physical Assets:
 Fixed Reproducible Capital:
  Defense......................   826    842    839    683    586    694    771    744
  Nondefense...................   146    175    189    216    248    249    254    255
 Inventories...................   252    218    203    181    220    252    219    168
 Nonreproducible Capital:
  Land.........................    87    121    151    234    296    318    315    235
  Mineral Rights...............   314    291    241    334    607    683    457    335
   Subtotal....................  1626   1646   1622   1647   1958   2197   2016   1737
    Total assets...............  1940   2000   1972   2050   2664   2808   2664   2313

Financial liabilities:
 Currency and Bank Reserves....   220    241    267    272    273    290    348    437
 Debt held by the Public.......   954    941    800    787   1019   1809   2483   3219
 Miscellaneous.................    28     29     31     33     44     55     82     61
  Subtotal.....................  1202   1211   1097   1092   1336   2153   2913   3717
Insurance Liabilities:
 Deposit Insurance.............     0      0      0      0      2      9     67      4
 Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp     0      0      0     41     30     41     40     19
 Loan Guarantees...............     0      0      2      6     12     10     14     27
 Other Insurance...............    30     27     21     19     26     16     19     16
  Subtotal.....................    30     27     23     67     69     76    140     66
Federal Pension Liabilities....   734    930   1104   1256   1707   1693   1625   1513
   Total liabilities...........  1966   2168   2225   2414   3112   3922   4678   5296
   Balance.....................   -26   -169   -252   -364   -448  -1114  -2014  -2983
    Per capita (in 1995
     dollars)..................  -146   -867  -1231  -1686  -1961  -4658  -8034 -11312
    Ratio to GDP (in percent)..  -1.1   -5.4   -6.9   -8.7     -9  -19.1  -30.4  -40.7
*This table shows assets and liabilites for the Government as a whole, including the
 Federal Reserve System. Therefore, it does not break out separately the assets held
 in Government accounts, such as social security, that are the obligation of specific
Government agencies. Estimates for 1995 are extrapolated in some cases.
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 1997, Analytical Perspectives,
        Table 2.1

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