                                   INTEREST ON TREASURY DEBT SECURITIES

               Gross Interest                    Net Interest             GDP
               -----------------------     Debt  -----------------------  --------------- Composite
        Gross  billion    % of    % of  Held by  billion    % of    % of  billion Percent   Outlay  Percent
Year     Debt     of $    Debt     GDP   Public     of $    Debt     GDP     of $  Growth Deflator   Change
----  -------  -------  ------  ------  -------  -------  ------  ------  -------  ------ --------  -------
1960    290.5                             236.8                             518.9           0.1750
1961    292.6                             238.4                             529.9           0.1795
1962    302.9      9.1     3.1     1.6    248.0      6.9     2.8     1.2    567.8     7.2   0.1803      0.4
1963    310.3      9.9     3.2     1.7    254.0      7.7     3.1     1.3    599.2     5.5   0.1873      3.9
1964    316.1     10.7     3.4     1.7    256.8      8.2     3.2     1.3    641.4     7.0   0.1900      1.4
1965    322.3     11.3     3.6     1.7    260.8      8.6     3.3     1.2    687.5     7.2   0.1928      1.5
1966    328.5     12.0     3.7     1.6    263.7      9.4     3.6     1.2    755.8     9.9   0.1974      2.4
1967    340.4     13.4     4.0     1.7    266.6     10.3     3.9     1.3    810.2     7.2   0.2026      2.6
1968    368.7     14.6     4.1     1.7    289.5     11.1     4.0     1.3    868.5     7.2   0.2103      3.8
1969    365.8     16.6     4.5     1.7    278.1     12.7     4.5     1.3    948.3     9.2   0.2230      6.0
1970    380.9     19.3     5.2     1.9    283.2     14.4     5.1     1.4   1012.9     6.8   0.2363      6.0
1971    408.2     21.0     5.3     1.9    303.0     14.8     5.1     1.4   1080.3     6.7   0.2519      6.6
1972    435.9     21.8     5.2     1.9    322.4     15.5     4.9     1.3   1176.9     8.9   0.2690      6.8
1973    466.3     24.2     5.4     1.8    340.9     17.3     5.2     1.3   1311.0    11.4   0.2833      5.3
1974    483.9     29.3     6.2     2.0    343.7     21.4     6.3     1.5   1438.9     9.8   0.3070      8.4
1975    541.9     32.7     6.4     2.1    394.7     23.2     6.3     1.5   1560.8     8.5   0.3384     10.2
1976    629.0     37.1     6.3     2.1    477.4     26.7     6.1     1.5   1738.8    11.4   0.3640      7.6
1977    706.4     41.9     6.3     2.1    549.1     29.9     5.8     1.5   1974.4    13.5   0.3934      8.1
1978    776.6     48.7     6.6     2.2    607.1     35.5     6.1     1.6   2218.3    12.4   0.4194      6.6
1979    829.5     59.9     7.5     2.4    640.3     42.6     6.8     1.7   2502.4    12.8   0.4552      8.5
1980    909.0     74.8     8.6     2.7    711.9     52.5     7.8     1.9   2725.4     8.9   0.5029     10.5
1981    994.8     95.5    10.0     3.1    789.4     68.8     9.2     2.2   3058.6    12.2   0.5562     10.6
1982   1137.3    117.2    11.0     3.6    924.6     85.0     9.9     2.6   3225.5     5.5   0.5958      7.1
1983   1371.7    128.7    10.3     3.7   1137.3     89.8     8.7     2.6   3442.7     6.7   0.6245      4.8
1984   1564.6    153.9    10.5     4.0   1307.0    111.1     9.1     2.9   3846.7    11.7   0.6555      5.0
1985   1817.4    178.9    10.6     4.3   1507.3    129.5     9.2     3.1   4148.9     7.9   0.6781      3.4
1986   2120.5    190.3     9.7     4.3   1740.6    136.0     8.4     3.1   4406.7     6.2   0.6947      2.4
1987   2346.0    195.2     8.7     4.2   1889.8    138.6     7.6     3.0   4654.4     5.6   0.7143      2.8
1988   2601.1    214.0     8.7     4.3   2051.6    151.8     7.7     3.0   5011.9     7.7   0.7359      3.0
1989   2867.8    240.8     8.8     4.5   2190.7    169.0     8.0     3.1   5401.7     7.8   0.7631      3.7
1990   3206.3    264.7     8.7     4.6   2411.6    184.3     8.0     3.2   5737.0     6.2   0.7882      3.3
1991   3598.2    285.4     8.4     4.8   2689.0    194.4     7.6     3.3   5934.2     3.4   0.8226      4.4
1992   4001.8    292.3     7.7     4.7   2999.7    199.3     7.0     3.2   6240.6     5.2   0.8508      3.4
1993   4351.0    292.5     7.0     4.4   3248.4    198.7     6.4     3.0   6578.4     5.4   0.8725      2.6
1994   4643.3    296.3     6.6     4.3   3433.1    202.9     6.1     2.9   6964.2     5.9   0.8902      2.0
1995   4920.6    332.4     7.0     4.5   3604.4    232.1     6.6     3.2   7325.1     5.2   0.9120      2.4
1996   5181.5    343.9     6.8     4.5   3734.1    241.1     6.6     3.1   7697.4     5.1   0.9328      2.3
1997   5369.2    355.8     6.7     4.3   3772.3    244.0     6.5     3.0   8186.6     6.4   0.9508      1.9
1998   5478.2    363.8     6.7     4.2   3721.1    241.1     6.4     2.8   8626.3     5.4   0.9603      1.0
1999   5605.5    353.5     6.4     3.9   3632.4    229.8     6.2     2.5   9127.0     5.8   0.9748      1.5
2000   5628.7    361.9     6.4     3.7   3409.8    222.9     6.3     2.3   9708.4     6.4   1.0000      2.6
2001   5769.9    359.5     6.3     3.6   3319.6    206.2     6.1     2.0  10059.8     3.6   1.0234      2.3
2002   6198.4    332.5     5.6     3.2   3540.4    170.9     5.0     1.6  10378.4     3.2   1.0425      1.9
2003   6760.0    318.1     4.9     2.9   3913.4    153.1     4.1     1.4  10803.7     4.1   1.0703      2.7
2004   7354.7    321.7     4.6     2.8   4295.5    160.2     3.9     1.4  11503.7     6.5   1.1014      2.9
2005   7905.3    352.3     4.6     2.9   4592.2    184.0     4.1     1.5  12234.9     6.4   1.1417      3.7
2006   8451.4    405.9     5.0     3.1   4829.0    226.6     4.8     1.7  13009.9     6.3   1.1809      3.4
2007   8950.7    430.0     4.9     3.2   5035.1    237.1     4.8     1.7  13642.3     4.9   1.2081      2.3
2008   9985.8    451.1     4.8     3.2   5802.7    252.8     4.7     1.8  14222.3     4.3   1.2584      4.2

2009* 12867.5    392.3     3.4     2.8   8531.4    142.7     2.0     1.0  14240.2     0.1   1.2785      1.6
2010* 14456.3    454.5     3.3     3.1   9881.9    135.9     1.5     0.9  14728.8     3.4   1.2807      0.2
2011* 15673.9    583.0     3.9     3.8  10873.1    254.5     2.5     1.6  15499.8     5.2   1.2975      1.3
2012* 16565.7    687.9     4.3     4.2  11468.4    348.8     3.1     2.1  16470.4     6.3   1.3195      1.7
2013* 17440.2    761.8     4.5     4.4  12027.1    411.6     3.5     2.4  17497.8     6.2   1.3443      1.9
2014* 18350.0    823.2     4.6     4.5  12594.8    460.1     3.7     2.5  18386.4     5.1   1.3705      1.9

* estimated
Note: Net Interest equals the Gross Interest on Treasury Debt Securities minus
      the interest received by the trust funds and minus two items labelled
      "Other interest" and "Other investment income";
      For Gross Interest, % of Debt is the % of the average Gross Debt;
      For Net Interest, % of Debt is the % of the average Debt Held by the Public;
      (average debt is the prior plus the current end-of-year debt, divided by 2);
      Inflation in the graph is the percent change in the Composite Outlay Deflator
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 2010, Historical Tables,
        tables 3.2, 7.1, and 10.1

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