
                                  (Percent of GDP)
                    1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2030  2040  2050  2060  2075
Discretionary Grows with Inflation
Receipts........... 18.5  20.4  19.4  19.1  19.2  19.3  19.5  19.7  19.9  19.9  20.0
Outlays............ 20.7  18.7  17.6  16.7  16.5  16.9  18.2  18.7  19.3  21.1  26.3
  Discretionary....  7.4   6.5   5.8   5.1   4.7   4.4   3.9   3.4   3.1   2.7   2.3
  Mandatory........ 10.1   9.9  10.4  11.1  12.0  13.3  15.6  16.7  17.6  19.1  22.1
    Social Security  4.6   4.2   4.3   4.5   5.0   5.7   6.7   6.8   6.9   7.2   7.4
    Medicare.......  2.1   2.1   2.3   2.5   2.9   3.3   4.1   4.4   4.4   4.5   4.8
    Medicaid.......  1.2   1.2   1.5   1.8   2.1   2.4   3.2   4.0   5.0   6.2   8.6
    Other..........  2.2   2.4   2.3   2.3   2.1   2.0   1.7   1.5   1.4   1.3   1.2
  Net Interest.....  3.2   2.3   1.4   0.5  -0.3  -0.9  -1.4  -1.4  -1.3  -0.8   1.9
Surplus/Deficit.... -2.2   1.7   1.8   2.4   2.7   2.5   1.4   1.0   0.5  -1.1  -6.3
Public Debt........ 49.2  36.3  21.3   7.1  -6.3 -16.9 -26.9 -26.9 -24.5 -13.8  37.3
Primary Surplus/Def  0.9   4.0   3.1   2.9   2.5   1.6   0.0  -0.5  -0.8  -2.0  -4.5
                    1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2030  2040  2050  2060  2075
Discretionary Grows with Population and Inflation
Receipts........... 18.5  20.4  19.4  19.1  19.2  19.3  19.5  19.7  19.9  19.9  20.0
Outlays............ 20.7  18.7  17.6  16.7  16.6  17.3  18.9  20.0  21.1  23.3  29.6
  Discretionary....  7.4   6.5   5.8   5.1   4.9   4.7   4.4   4.0   3.6   3.3   2.9
  Mandatory........ 10.1   9.9  10.4  11.1  12.0  13.3  15.6  16.7  17.6  19.1  22.1
    Social Security  4.6   4.2   4.3   4.5   5.0   5.7   6.7   6.8   6.9   7.2   7.4
    Medicare.......  2.1   2.1   2.3   2.5   2.9   3.3   4.1   4.4   4.4   4.5   4.8
    Medicaid.......  1.2   1.2   1.5   1.8   2.1   2.4   3.2   4.0   5.0   6.2   8.6
    Other..........  2.2   2.4   2.3   2.3   2.1   2.0   1.7   1.5   1.4   1.3   1.2
  Net Interest.....  3.2   2.3   1.4   0.5  -0.2  -0.8  -1.1  -0.7  -0.2   0.9   4.6
Surplus/Deficit.... -2.2   1.7   1.8   2.4   2.6   2.1   0.6  -0.3  -1.2  -3.4  -9.6
Public Debt........ 49.2  36.3  21.3   7.1  -5.8 -15.1 -20.3 -13.3  -2.3  18.8  89.0
Primary Surplus/Def  0.9   4.0   3.1   2.9   2.3   1.3  -0.5  -1.0  -1.4  -2.5  -5.0
                    1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2030  2040  2050  2060  2075
Continued Rapid Medicare Growth.
Receipts........... 18.5  20.4  19.4  19.1  19.2  19.3  19.5  19.7  19.9  19.9  20.0
Outlays............ 20.7  18.7  17.6  16.7  16.5  17.1  19.1  20.9  23.2  27.3  38.1
  Discretionary....  7.4   6.5   5.8   5.1   4.7   4.4   3.9   3.4   3.1   2.7   2.3
  Mandatory........ 10.1   9.9  10.4  11.1  12.0  13.5  16.3  18.0  19.5  21.7  26.2
    Social Security  4.6   4.2   4.3   4.5   5.0   5.7   6.7   6.8   6.9   7.2   7.4
    Medicare.......  2.1   2.1   2.3   2.5   2.9   3.4   4.7   5.7   6.3   7.1   8.9
    Medicaid.......  1.2   1.2   1.5   1.8   2.1   2.4   3.2   4.0   5.0   6.2   8.6
    Other..........  2.2   2.4   2.3   2.3   2.1   2.0   1.7   1.5   1.4   1.3   1.2
  Net Interest.....  3.2   2.3   1.4   0.5  -0.3  -0.8  -1.2  -0.6   0.6   2.9   9.6
Surplus/Deficit.... -2.2   1.7   1.8   2.4   2.7   2.3   0.5  -1.2  -3.3  -7.4 -18.2
Public Debt........ 49.2  36.3  21.3   7.1  -6.3 -16.4 -21.6  -9.6 -13.5  56.5 186.0
Primary Surplus/Def  0.9   4.0   3.1   2.9   2.5   1.4  -0.7  -1.8  -2.7  -4.6  -8.6

                               (Percent of Receipts)
                    1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2030  2040  2050  2060  2075
Discretionary Grows with Inflation
Receipts.......... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Outlays........... 111.9  91.7  90.7  87.4  85.9  87.6  93.3  94.9  97.0 106.0 131.5
  Discretionary.... 40.0  31.9  29.9  26.7  24.5  22.8  20.0  17.3  15.6  13.6  11.5
  Mandatory........ 54.6  48.5  53.6  58.1  62.5  68.9  80.0  84.8  88.4  96.0 110.5
    Social Security 24.9  20.6  22.2  23.6  26.0  29.5  34.4  34.5  34.7  36.2  37.0
    Medicare....... 11.4  10.3  11.9  13.1  15.1  17.1  21.0  22.3  22.1  22.6  24.0
    Medicaid.......  6.5   5.9   7.7   9.4  10.9  12.4  16.4  20.3  25.1  31.2  43.0
    Other.......... 11.9  11.8  11.9  12.0  10.9  10.4   8.7   7.6   7.0   6.5   6.0
  Net Interest..... 17.3  11.3   7.2   2.6  -1.6  -4.7  -7.2  -7.1  -6.5  -4.0   9.5
Surplus/Deficit... -11.9   8.3   9.3  12.6  14.1  13.0   7.2   5.1   2.5  -5.5 -31.5
Public Debt....... 265.9 177.9 109.8  37.2 -32.8 -87.6  -138  -137  -123 -69.3 186.5
Primary Surplus/Def  4.9  19.6  16.0  15.2  13.0   8.3   0.0  -2.5  -4.0 -10.1 -22.5
                    1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2030  2040  2050  2060  2075
Discretionary Grows with Population and Inflation
Receipts.......... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Outlays........... 111.9  91.7  90.7  87.4  86.5  89.6  96.9 101.5 106.0 117.1 148.0
  Discretionary.... 40.0  31.9  29.9  26.7  25.5  24.4  22.6  20.3  18.1  16.6  14.5
  Mandatory........ 54.6  48.5  53.6  58.1  62.5  68.9  80.0  84.8  88.4  96.0 110.5
    Social Security 24.9  20.6  22.2  23.6  26.0  29.5  34.4  34.5  34.7  36.2  37.0
    Medicare....... 11.4  10.3  11.9  13.1  15.1  17.1  21.0  22.3  22.1  22.6  24.0
    Medicaid.......  6.5   5.9   7.7   9.4  10.9  12.4  16.4  20.3  25.1  31.2  43.0
    Other.......... 11.9  11.8  11.9  12.0  10.9  10.4   8.7   7.6   7.0   6.5   6.0
  Net Interest..... 17.3  11.3   7.2   2.6  -1.0  -4.1  -5.6  -3.6  -1.0   4.5  23.0
Surplus/Deficit... -11.9   8.3   9.3  12.6  13.5  10.9   3.1  -1.5  -6.0 -17.1 -48.0
Public Debt....... 265.9 177.9 109.8  37.2 -30.2 -78.2  -104 -67.5 -11.6  94.5 445.0
Primary Surplus/Def  4.9  19.6  16.0  15.2  12.0   6.7  -2.6  -5.1  -7.0 -12.6 -25.0
                    1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2030  2040  2050  2060  2075
Continued Rapid Medicare Growth.
Receipts.......... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Outlays........... 111.9  91.7  90.7  87.4  85.9  88.6  97.9 106.1 116.6 137.2 190.5
  Discretionary.... 40.0  31.9  29.9  26.7  24.5  22.8  20.0  17.3  15.6  13.6  11.5
  Mandatory........ 54.6  48.5  53.6  58.1  62.5  69.9  83.6  91.4  98.0 109.0 131.0
    Social Security 24.9  20.6  22.2  23.6  26.0  29.5  34.4  34.5  34.7  36.2  37.0
    Medicare....... 11.4  10.3  11.9  13.1  15.1  17.6  24.1  28.9  31.7  35.7  44.5
    Medicaid.......  6.5   5.9   7.7   9.4  10.9  12.4  16.4  20.3  25.1  31.2  43.0
    Other.......... 11.9  11.8  11.9  12.0  10.9  10.4   8.7   7.6   7.0   6.5   6.0
  Net Interest..... 17.3  11.3   7.2   2.6  -1.6  -4.1  -6.2  -3.0   3.0  14.6  48.0
Surplus/Deficit... -11.9   8.3   9.3  12.6  14.1  11.9   2.6  -6.1 -16.6 -37.2 -91.0
Public Debt....... 265.9 177.9 109.8  37.2 -32.8 -85.0  -111 -48.7 -67.8 283.9 930.0
Primary Surplus/Def  4.9  19.6  16.0  15.2  13.0   7.3  -3.6  -9.1 -13.6 -23.1 -43.0

Note: In the graph of Projected Federal Outlays, net interest is projected to
      be negative from 2014 through 2051.  Hence, the upper line shows the
      total of all outlays except net interest for these years and the line
      just below it shows the total of all outlays.
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 2001, Analytical
       Perspectives, page 30, Table 2-2

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