                            (Percent of GDP)
                      2000   2005   2010   2020   2030   2040   2050   2075
Discretionary Grows with GDP
Receipts...........   20.8   19.2   19.2   19.2   19.4   19.4   19.6   19.6
Outlays............   18.4   18.7   18.0   18.4   20.4   22.3   24.3   32.7
  Discretionary....    6.3    6.9    6.2    5.8    5.8    5.8    5.8    5.8
  Mandatory........    9.8   10.3   10.7   12.5   14.4   15.6   16.5   19.8
    Social Security    4.2    4.2    4.4    5.4    6.3    6.4    6.4    6.9
    Medicare.......    2.0    2.1    2.3    2.9    3.9    4.8    5.5    7.7
    Medicaid.......    1.2    1.5    1.8    2.2    2.4    2.7    3.0    3.6
    Other...........   2.4    2.4    2.3    2.0    1.8    1.7    1.6    1.5
  Net Interest......   2.3    1.6    1.1    0.1    0.2    0.9    2.0    7.1
Surplus/Deficit....    2.4    0.5    1.2    0.8   -1.1   -2.9   -4.8  -13.2
Primary Surplus/Def    4.7    2.1    2.2    0.9   -0.9   -2.0   -2.8   -6.1
Public Debt.........  35.0   29.2   19.1    2.9    4.4   20.9   46.5  165.2
  (prior budget)...   34.7   17.5    2.3  -21.8  -27.5  -17.8    1.3  108.0
                      2000   2005   2010   2020   2030   2040   2050   2075
Discretionary Grows with Inflation
Receipts...........   20.8   19.2   19.2   19.2   19.4   19.4   19.6   19.6
Outlays............   18.4   18.7   18.0   17.6   18.3   18.7   19.0   22.5
  Discretionary....    6.3    6.9    6.2    5.1    4.3    3.7    3.1    2.1
  Mandatory........    9.8   10.3   10.7   12.5   14.5   15.6   16.5   19.9
    Social Security    4.2    4.2    4.4    5.4    6.3    6.4    6.4    6.9
    Medicare.......    2.0    2.1    2.3    2.9    3.9    4.8    5.5    7.7
    Medicaid.......    1.2    1.5    1.8    2.2    2.4    2.7    3.0    3.6
    Other...........   2.4    2.4    2.3    2.0    1.8    1.7    1.7    1.6
  Net Interest......   2.3    1.6    1.1    0.0   -0.5   -0.6   -0.6    0.5
Surplus/Deficit....    2.4    0.5    1.2    1.7    1.1    0.8    0.5   -2.9
Primary Surplus/Def    4.7    2.1    2.2    1.7    0.6    0.2   -0.1   -2.4
Public Debt.........  35.0   29.2   19.1   -0.5  -10.9  -13.9  -14.6   12.8
  (prior budget)...   34.7   17.5    2.3  -25.5  -42.3  -50.8  -56.8  -41.7

                         (Percent of Receipts)
                      2000   2005   2010   2020   2030   2040   2050   2075
Discretionary Grows with GDP
Receipts...........  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
Outlays............   88.5   97.4   93.8   95.8  105.2  114.9  124.0  166.8
  Discretionary....   30.3   35.9   32.3   30.2   29.9   29.9   29.6   29.6
  Mandatory........   47.1   53.6   55.7   65.1   74.2   80.4   84.2  101.0
    Social Security   20.2   21.9   22.9   28.1   32.5   33.0   32.7   35.2
    Medicare.......    9.6   10.9   12.0   15.1   20.1   24.7   28.1   39.3
    Medicaid.......    5.8    7.8    9.4   11.5   12.4   13.9   15.3   18.4
    Other...........  11.5   12.5   12.0   10.4    9.3    8.8    8.2    7.7
  Net Interest......  11.1    8.3    5.7    0.5    1.0    4.6   10.2   36.2
Surplus/Deficit....   11.5    2.6    6.3    4.2   -5.7  -14.9  -24.5  -67.3
Primary Surplus/Def   22.6   10.9   11.5    4.7   -4.6  -10.3  -14.3  -31.1
Public Debt......... 168.3  152.1   99.5   15.1   22.7  107.7  237.2  842.9
  (prior budget)...  166.8   91.1   12.0 -113.5 -141.8  -91.8    6.6  551.0
                      2000   2005   2010   2020   2030   2040   2050   2075
Discretionary Grows with Inflation
Receipts...........  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
Outlays............   88.5   97.4   93.8   91.7   94.3   96.4   96.9  114.8
  Discretionary....   30.3   35.9   32.3   26.6   22.2   19.1   15.8   10.7
  Mandatory........   47.1   53.6   55.7   65.1   74.7   80.4   84.2  101.5
    Social Security   20.2   21.9   22.9   28.1   32.5   33.0   32.7   35.2
    Medicare.......    9.6   10.9   12.0   15.1   20.1   24.7   28.1   39.3
    Medicaid.......    5.8    7.8    9.4   11.5   12.4   13.9   15.3   18.4
    Other...........  11.5   12.5   12.0   10.4    9.3    8.8    8.7    8.2
  Net Interest......  11.1    8.3    5.7    0.0   -2.6   -3.1   -3.1    2.6
Surplus/Deficit....   11.5    2.6    6.3    8.9    5.7    4.1    2.6  -14.8
Primary Surplus/Def   22.6   10.9   11.5    8.9    3.1    1.0   -0.5  -12.2
Public Debt......... 168.3  152.1   99.5   -2.6  -56.2  -71.6  -74.5   65.3
  (prior budget)...  166.8   91.1   12.0 -132.8 -218.0 -261.9 -289.8 -212.8

Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 2003, Analytical
        Perspectives, page 45, Table 3-2;
        Budget of the United States Government, FY 2002, Analytical
        Perspectives, page 24, Table 2-2

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