Net Worth by Percentile Net Worth by Percentile to 240K Net Worth by Income Percentile Net Worth by Income Percentile to 240K Net Worth by Age Net Worth by Education Net Worth by Family Structure Net Worth by Housing Status and Race
                               (thousands of 2010 dollars)                               percent
Family Characteristics      1989    1992    1995    1998    2001    2004    2007    2010   07-10
------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
All Families                79.1    75.1    81.9    95.6   106.1   107.2   126.4    77.3   -38.8

Percentile of income
Less than 20                 3.0     6.0     8.5     7.8     9.6     8.6     8.5     6.2   -27.1
20-39.9                     40.6    42.1    47.5    44.2    45.9    38.8    39.6    25.6   -35.4
40-59.9                     70.2    60.0    65.7    71.2    78.0    82.8    92.3    65.9   -28.6
60-79.9                    112.1   114.8   107.7   149.8   176.8   184.0   215.7   128.6   -40.4
80-89.9                    222.6   175.4   181.4   251.4   322.4   360.9   373.2   286.6   -23.2
90-100                     655.2   551.4   503.6   603.4  1021.5  1069.7  1172.3  1194.3     1.9

Age of head (years)
Less than 35                13.2    14.0    17.0    12.2    14.3    16.3    12.4     9.3   -25.0
35-44                       95.2    67.7    74.0    84.6    95.1    79.9    92.4    42.1   -54.4
45-54                      166.5   118.6   134.4   140.9   164.9   167.1   193.7   117.9   -39.1
55-64                      165.0   172.8   163.5   170.6   227.2   290.0   266.2   179.4   -32.6
65-74                      129.3   149.6   157.2   195.4   217.8   218.8   250.8   206.7   -17.6
75 or more                 122.2   131.7   131.7   167.5   190.3   187.7   223.7   216.8    -3.1

Family structure
Single with child(ren)      12.2    12.9    17.0    21.5    16.2    24.0    24.4    15.5   -36.5
Single, no child, <  55     13.7    22.6    24.8    20.6    24.0    24.2    26.3    14.6   -44.5
Single, no child, >= 55     69.0    88.2   100.2   116.4   111.9   134.0   150.7   102.0   -32.3
Couple with child(ren)     104.6    91.7    93.3   116.2   139.3   140.6   147.5    86.7   -41.2
Couple, no child           187.3   157.8   163.4   198.1   217.1   240.2   236.2   205.7   -12.9

Education of head
No high school diploma      40.7    28.3    32.1    28.1    31.3    23.7    34.8    16.1   -53.7
High school diploma         62.1    58.3    73.5    72.1    71.1    79.1    84.3    56.7   -32.7
Some college                77.5    87.5    66.3    98.5    89.8    79.8    88.8    50.9   -42.7
College degree             187.3   149.8   147.9   195.3   262.2   260.2   298.6   195.2   -34.6

Race or ethnicity of respondent
White non-Hispanic         120.0   105.7   108.5   127.8   150.4   162.2   179.4   130.5   -27.3
Nonwhite or Hispanic        11.3    18.2    22.4    22.2    22.0    28.5    29.7    20.4   -31.3

Current work status of head
Working for someone else    64.1    59.9    69.6    70.4    79.7    77.4    98.5    55.2   -44.0
Self-employed              286.1   218.7   220.7   331.4   431.7   402.2   407.3   285.6   -29.9
Retired                    111.5   106.8   114.9   150.8   141.0   160.9   169.9   151.1   -11.1
Other not working            1.3     5.0     5.1     4.7     9.4    13.6     6.0    11.9    98.3

Current occupation of head
Managerial, professional   183.1   153.6   156.6   176.5   242.1   227.3   258.8   167.3   -35.4
Technical, sales, srvcs     45.8    55.3    52.8    54.4    57.3    51.7    77.0    32.6   -57.7
Other occupation            62.4    49.7    63.9    66.7    58.9    65.0    68.4    46.6   -31.9
Retired, not working        74.5    75.8    88.3   109.2   118.2   127.9   135.6    93.5   -31.0

Northeast                  147.3    97.2   117.3   125.8   114.3   186.1   167.1   119.9   -28.2
Midwest                     88.6    86.3    92.9   107.1   130.3   132.4   112.7    68.4   -39.3
South                       59.5    52.4    62.5    81.7    90.4    73.4   102.0    68.2   -33.1
West                        77.3   108.4    77.5    81.8   109.0   109.3   164.1    73.4   -55.3

Metro statistical area      78.3    80.3    84.0    96.7   108.0   120.1   138.8    78.4   -43.5
Non-MSA                     83.4    58.8    72.3    92.1    98.0    68.2    82.0    74.5    -9.1

Housing status
Owner                      169.2   149.9   147.5   176.2   211.5   212.6   246.0   174.5   -29.1
Renter or other              3.3     4.9     6.9     5.7     5.9     4.6     5.4     5.1    -5.6

Percentile of net worth
Less than 25                 0.3     0.8     1.3     0.7     1.4     2.0     1.3     0.0  -100.0
25-49.9                     35.5    35.8    40.0    43.6    50.1    50.2    56.8    32.2   -43.3
50-74.9                    146.1   132.8   134.7   160.7   193.6   196.7   230.8   157.2   -31.9
75-89.9                    354.6   309.4   313.3   413.6   528.0   586.7   601.2   482.7   -19.7
90-100                    1161.3  1007.9   967.8  1195.6  1602.6  1645.5  1991.9  1864.1    -6.4

                               (thousands of 2010 dollars)                               percent
Family Characteristics      1989    1992    1995    1998    2001    2004    2007    2010   07-10
------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
All Families               313.6   282.9   300.4   377.3   487.0   517.1   584.6   498.8   -14.7

Percentile of income
Less than 20                41.6    49.9    62.9    63.7    64.7    83.6   110.3   116.8     5.9
20-39.9                    110.9    97.3   112.0   128.2   141.2   139.8   141.3   127.9    -9.5
40-59.9                    170.9   153.4   144.9   168.7   199.4   224.0   220.6   199.0    -9.8
60-79.9                    229.4   213.5   228.5   275.3   360.7   392.9   393.9   294.0   -25.4
80-89.9                    375.1   343.3   364.7   434.8   560.3   563.7   638.1   567.3   -11.1
90-100                    1654.9  1456.8  1541.8  2065.9  2777.1  2925.2  3474.7  2944.3   -15.3

Age of head (years)
Less than 35                79.0    68.8    61.2    85.2   111.2    84.6   111.1    65.3   -41.2
35-44                      249.0   202.1   203.6   262.1   318.6   345.2   341.9   217.4   -36.4
45-54                      466.2   407.6   420.2   485.3   595.9   625.8   694.6   573.0   -17.5
55-64                      519.1   512.4   543.2   710.6   898.6   976.4   986.7   880.5   -10.8
65-74                      471.9   434.4   493.9   622.6   831.4   795.1  1064.1   848.4   -20.3
75 or more                 407.4   324.7   365.8   414.6   574.8   607.7   668.8   677.9     1.4

Family structure
Single with child(ren)     106.7    82.1   103.0   136.6   117.4   149.9   187.4   143.7   -23.3
Single, no child, <  55    122.4   107.4   102.8   123.0   185.5   179.8   217.2   117.5   -45.9
Single, no child, >= 55    206.9   236.5   280.3   328.2   355.8   405.8   408.9   391.6    -4.2
Couple with child(ren)     339.0   312.0   304.7   398.6   540.1   580.5   629.1   555.7   -11.7
Couple, no child           585.5   481.0   511.8   643.5   790.1   868.2   998.6   864.8   -13.4

Education of head
No high school diploma     140.1   106.3   119.3   105.2   127.5   157.1   149.7   110.7   -26.1
High school diploma        187.9   169.4   188.3   210.5   222.0   227.2   263.8   218.1   -17.3
Some college               314.4   260.0   267.4   317.3   352.1   355.7   384.5   272.2   -29.2
College degree             610.0   515.5   545.8   705.8   976.6   982.3  1154.5   977.7   -15.3

Race or ethnicity of respondent
White non-Hispanic         383.6   337.2   355.5   450.6   599.0   648.3   727.4   654.5   -10.0
Nonwhite or Hispanic       106.0   117.5   109.3   134.1   144.1   176.2   240.3   175.9   -26.8

Current work status of head
Working for someone else   191.8   185.6   194.2   224.5   276.9   310.7   369.1   298.8   -19.0
Self-employed             1099.0   909.6   993.0  1235.2  1546.5  1639.9  2057.4  1743.7   -15.2
Retired                    308.2   287.7   318.9   410.2   556.4   539.8   569.1   485.3   -14.7
Other not working           66.2    80.5    80.7    98.7   218.4   186.7   130.1   137.5     5.7

Current occupation of head
Managerial, professional   640.0   569.9   610.2   722.8   942.4   995.6  1174.8  1047.0   -10.9
Technical, sales, srvcs    220.5   207.7   229.8   257.7   244.7   284.8   325.8   219.1   -32.8
Other occupation           181.5   132.6   158.3   168.7   167.1   169.8   201.3   162.8   -19.1
Retired, not working       257.8   238.6   270.5   357.9   501.4   485.0   500.6   410.4   -18.0

Northeast                  363.7   319.6   355.5   404.8   556.3   655.0   684.6   615.2   -10.1
Midwest                    316.1   262.7   282.1   332.2   418.3   503.8   491.2   399.8   -18.6
South                      221.8   213.6   264.3   356.5   461.4   401.0   525.9   440.8   -16.2
West                       414.3   385.8   329.2   437.2   541.8   605.3   695.4   599.9   -13.7

Metro statistical area     334.9   316.5   320.4   409.0   525.0   582.0   652.6   553.6   -15.2
Non-MSA                    223.1   134.8   184.1   193.1   250.1   203.5   253.9   236.1    -7.0

Housing status
Owner                      454.3   409.5   430.4   540.0   687.2   720.9   817.6   713.4   -12.7
Renter or other             64.8    58.7    62.0    57.9    67.7    62.3    74.7    57.2   -23.4

Percentile of net worth
Less than 25                -1.0    -0.9    -0.2    -2.5     0.1    -1.6    -2.3   -12.8   456.5
25-49.9                     38.7    38.5    43.3    47.9    54.4    54.2    60.9    35.6   -41.5
50-74.9                    150.1   137.3   141.1   171.5   204.9   213.7   238.6   168.9   -29.2
75-89.9                    381.1   331.4   338.0   429.6   553.5   608.4   616.7   527.9   -14.4
90-100                    2094.6  1894.2  2035.8  2586.1  3390.0  3591.1  4176.9  3716.4   -11.0
Source: 2010 Survey of Consumer Finances, Internal Data, Table 4

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