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Click here to see a comparison of data from the U.S. Budget for Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018

Graphs based on data from the U.S. Budget, FY 2019: 1940-2023

Public and Gross Federal Debt: 1940-2023 Unified, Public, and Gross Budget Deficit: 1970-2023
Federal Debt: Data Interactive Graph
Selected Surpluses or Deficits(-): Data Interactive Graph
The parameters for the interactive graphs can be modified after checking "Ignore URL Parameters".
receipts1 receipts2 receipts3 receipts4
Federal Receipts: Data
Interactive Graphs: Receipts and Outlays as Percent of GDP , Receipts and Outlays in Real Dollars , Receipts by Source as Percent of GDP , and Receipts by Source in Real Dollars
The parameters for the interactive graphs can be modified after checking "Ignore URL Parameters".
Top U.S. Federal Outlays: 1940-2012 Top U.S. Federal Outlays: 1970-2012 Next U.S. Federal Outlays: 1940-2012 Next U.S. Federal Outlays: 1970-2012 Other U.S. Federal Outlays: 1940-2012 Other U.S. Federal Outlays: 1970-2012
Federal Outlays: Data
Interactive Graphs: Top Outlays, 1940-2022, Top Outlays, 1970-2022, Next Outlays, 1940-2022, Next Outlays, 1970-2022, Other Outlays, 1940-2022, and Other Outlays, 1970-2022
The parameters for the interactive graphs can be modified after checking "Ignore URL Parameters".
10-year growth 8-year growth
Growth from 10 Years Earlier: Data Interactive Graph
Growth from 8 Years Earlier: Data Interactive Graph
The parameters for the interactive graphs can be modified after checking "Ignore URL Parameters".
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 2018: Historical Tables, tables 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 7.1, 10.1, and 13.1
Comparison of data from the U.S. Budget for Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018
Graphs based on data from the prior budget for FY 2017
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